Below you have all sorts of journals offering their publications FREE to all.

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Here is the list :

  1. ACE : Architecture, City and Environment
  2. Ángulo Recto : Revista de Estudios sobre la Ciudad como Espacio Plural
  3. Archnet-IJAR : International Journal of Architectural Research
  4. ARQ
  5. Bulletin of the Polytechnic Institute of Jassy, Constructions, Architechture Section
  6. CEBE Transactions
  7. City & Time
  8. Conservation Science in Cultural Heritage : Historical Technical Journal
  9. Footprint
  10. Gestão & Tecnologia de Projetos
  11. Megaron
  12. Métropoles
  13. Middle East Technical University Journal of the Faculty of Architecture
  14. Multi : The RIT Journal of Plurality and Diversity in Design
  15. Open Urban Studies Journal
  16. Places : Forum of Design for the Public Realm
  17. Prostor : Znanstveni Časopis za Arhitekturu i Urbanizam