Below you have all sorts of journals offering their publications FREE to all.
Your next step? check them out one by one using Google
Here is the list :
- AASA Journal of Scholarship & Practice [USA] (Latest 2010)
- Academic Leadership [USA](Latest 2010)
- Action Research International [Australia](Latest 2004)
- Advances in Physiology Education [USA](Latest 2009)
- Advancing Women in Leadership Journal [USA](Latest 2007)
- ÁGORA para la Educación Física y el Deporte [Spain] (Latest 2009)
- ALSIC – Apprentissage des Langues et Systëmes d’Information et de Communication [France](Latest 2009)
- Association of Test Publishers Journal [USA] (Latest 2009)
- Astronomy Education Review [USA] (Latest 2010)
- Australasian Journal of Educational Technology [Australia](Latest 2010)
- Australian Educational Computing [Australia] (Latest 2008)
- Australian Educational Researcher, The [Australia] (Latest 2007)
- Australian Electronic Journal of Nursing Education, The [Australia](Latest 2002)
- Australian Journal of Educational & Developmental Psychology [Australia](Latest 2010)
- Australian Online Journal of Arts Education [Australia](Latest 2008)
- Behavior Analyst Today, The [USA](Latest 2010)
- Behaviorial Development Bulletin, The [USA](Latest 2010)
- Bilingual Research Journal [USA](Latest 2009)
- BioMed Central: BMC Medical Education [UK](Latest 2010)
- BioScience Education E-journal [UK](Latest 2010)
- Cadernos Cedes [Brasil](Latest 2010)
- Cadernos de Pesquisa [Brasil](Latest 2010)
- Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy [Canada](Latest 2010)
- Canadian journal of learning and technology: La revue canadienne de l’apprentissage et de la technologie [Canada](Latest 2009)
- Cell Biology Education: Life Sciences Education [USA](Latest 2010)
- Ciências & Cognição (Science & Cognition) [Brasil](Latest 2009)
- CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal [USA](Latest 2009)
- Computers and Composition: An International Journal for Teachers of Writing [USA](Latest 2010)
- Constructivist Foundations [Austria](Latest 2010)
- Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood [UK](Latest 2010)
- Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education [USA](Latest 2010)
- Continuous Improvement Monitor [USA](Latest 2006)
- Current Issues in Comparative Education [USA](Latest 2009)
- Current Issues in Education [USA](Latest 2010)
- CurrÌculo sem Fronteiras [Portugal](Latest 2009)
- E Journal of Organizational Learning and Leadership [USA](Latest 2010)
- Early Childhood Research & Practice [USA](Latest 2009)
- Educação & Sociedade (Education & Society) [Brasil](Latest 2009)
- Educação e Pesquisa (Education & Research) [Brasil]( Latest 2010)
- Educación Médica [Spain](Latest 2010)
- Éducation et Francophonie [Canada](Latest 2010)
- Education Next [USA](Latest 2010)
- Education Policy Analysis Archives [USA & Brasil](Latest 2010)
- Education Review [USA & Brasil](Latest 2010)
- Educational Insights: Electronic Journal of Graduate Student Research [Canada](Latest 2010)
- Educational Research and Reviews [International](Latest 2009)
- Educational Research and Reviews [USA](Latest 2009)
- Educational Researcher [USA](Latest 2010)
- Educational Sciences Journal [Portugal](Latest 2009)
- Education-line [UK](Latest 2010)
- Educause Quarterly [USA](Latest 2010)
- EDUCAUSE Review [USA](Latest 2010)
- e-Journal of Instructional Science and Technology (e-Jist) [Australia](Latest 2007)
- e-learning and education (eleed) [Germany](Latest 2009)
- Electronic Journal for the Integration of Technology in Education [USA](Latest 2009)
- Electronic Journal of e-Learning [UK](Latest 2010)
- Electronic Journal of Literacy through Science, The [USA](Latest 2009)
- Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology [Spain](Latest 2009)
- Electronic Journal of Science and Mathematics Education [Turkey](Latest 2009)
- Electronic Journal of Science Education, The [USA](Latest 2009)
- Electronic Magazine of Multicultural Education [USA](Latest 2006)
- English Teaching: Practice and Critique [New Zealand](Latest 2009)
- Essays in Education :Archives [USA](Latest 2007)
- Estudios Pedagógicos [Chile](Latest 2009)
- Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education [Turkey](Latest 2010)
- European Educational Research Journal [UK](Latest 2010)
- Exchanges [USA](Latest 2006)
- First Monday [USA](Latest 2010)
- Florida Journal of Educational Administration & Policy [USA](Latest 2009)
- Forum Qualitative Social Research: A multilingual online journal for qualitative research. [Germany](Latest 2010)
- Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad [USA](Latest 2009)
- Gaziantep University Journal of Social Science [Turkey](Latest 2009)
- Global Journal of Engineering Education [Australia](Latest 2009)
- Heilpädagogik online [Germany](Latest 2010)
- Heritage Language Journal [USA](Latest 2010)
- Ilkögretim-Online (Elementary Education Online) [Turkey](Latest 2010)
- Information Technology and Disabilities [USA](Latest 2008)
- Innovate: Journal of Online Education [USA](Latest 2009)
- InSight: A Journal of Scholarly Teaching [USA](Latest 2009)
- InterActions: UCLA Journal of Education and Information Studies [USA](Latest 2010)
- Interactive Educational Multimedia [Spain](Latest 2008)
- Interactive Multimedia Electronic Journal of Computer-Enhanced Learning :Archives [USA](Latest 2005)
- Interface – Comunicação, Saúde, Educação [Brasil](Latest 2009)
- International Education Electronic Journal [Australia](Latest 2002)
- International Education Journal [Australia](Latest 2009)
- International Electronic Journal for Leadership in Learning (IEJLL) [Canada](Latest 2010)
- International Electronic Journal of Health Education, The [USA](Latest 2009)
- International Journal for Education Policy and Leadership [USA](Latest 2010)
- International Journal for Educational Integrity [Australia](Latest 2009)
- International Journal for Mathematics Teaching and Learning [UK](Latest 2010)
- International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning [USA](Latest 2010)
- International Journal of Behavioral Consultation and Therapy [USA](Latest 2009)
- International Journal of Community Music [USA](Latest 2006)
- International Journal of Construction Education and Research [USA](Latest 2009)
- International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education [Turkey](Latest 2009)
- International Journal of Education & the Arts [USA](Latest 2009)
- International Journal of Education Policy and Leadership [USA](Latest 2010)
- International Journal of Educational Technology [Australia & USA](Latest 2002)
- International Journal of Environmental and Science Education [International](Latest 2010)
- International Journal of Progressive Education [USA](Latest 2010)
- International Journal of Social Sciences [International](Latest 2010)
- International Journal of Special Education [Canada & USA](Latest 2009)
- International Journal of Teacher Leadership [USA](Latest 2009)
- International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, The [International](Latest 2009)
- International Journal of The Creative Arts in Interdisciplinary Practice [USA](Latest 2009)
- International Journal of Urban Educational Leadership [USA](Latest 2010)
- International Journal of Whole Schooling [USA](Latest 2010)
- International Journal on Teaching and Learning in Higher Education [USA](Latest 2009)
- International Online Journal of Educational Sciences [Turkey] (Latest 2009)
- International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning [Canada](Latest 2010)
- Interpersonal Computing and Technology Journal (IPCT-J) [USA](Latest 2004)
- Issues in Educational Research [Australia](Latest 2010)
- Issues in the Undergraduate Mathematics Preparation of School Teachers: The Journal [USA](Latest 2009)
- IT Journal On-line, Instructional Technology Program, University of Virginia :Archives [USA](Latest 2007)
- Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies [USA](Latest 2009)
- Journal for Open and Distance Education and Educational Technology [Greece](Latest 2007)
- Journal of African American Males in Education [USA](Latest 2010)
- Journal of American Indian Education [USA](Latest 2002)
- Journal of Career and Technical Education [USA](Latest 2009)
- Journal of Career and Technical Education since Vol 16, No 2. [USA](Latest 2009)
- Journal of Cases in Educational Leadership [USA](Latest 2009)
- Journal of College Biology Teaching: A publication of the Association of College and University Biology Educators. [USA](Latest 2009)
- Journal of Curriculum and Instruction [USA](Latest 2009)
- Journal of Design Communication :Archives [USA](Latest 2003)
- Journal of Distance Education / Revue de l’enseignment a distance [Canada](Latest 2010)
- Journal of Early and Intensive Behavior Intervention [USA](Latest 2008)
- Journal of Education for International Development [USA](Latest 2009)
- Journal of Education Policy [USA](Latest 2009)
- Journal of Educational Technology and Society [USA](Latest 2010)
- Journal of e-Learning and Knowledge Society [Italy] (Latest 2010)
- Journal of Extension [USA](Latest 2010)
- Journal of Food Science Education [USA](Latest 2010)
- Journal of Industrial Teacher Education [USA](Latest 2010)
- Journal of Information Technology Education [USA](Latest 2010)
- Journal of Interactive Media in Education [UK](Latest 2009)
- Journal of Interactive Online Learning [USA](Latest 2009)
- Journal of Japanese Society for Technology Education [Japan](Latest 2009)
- Journal of Learning Design [Australia](Latest 2010)
- Journal of MultiDisciplinary Evaluation [USA](Latest 2010)
- Journal of Museum Studies [USA](Latest 2008)
- Journal of Online Behavior [USA](Latest 2010)
- Journal of Pedagogy, Pluralism, and Practice, The [USA](Latest 2006)
- Journal of Research for Educational Leaders, The [USA](Latest 2008)
- Journal of Research in Rural Education [USA](Latest 2010)
- Journal of Research Practice [International](Latest 2009)
- Journal of Special Education Technology [USA](Latest 2009)
- Journal of Speech – Language Pathology and Applied Behavior Analysis [USA](Latest 2009)
- Journal of Statistics Education [USA](Latest 2009)
- Journal of Technology Education [USA](Latest 2009)
- Journal of Technology, Learning, and Assessment [USA](Latest 2010)
- Journal of the Imagination in Language Learning and Teaching, The [USA](Latest 2002)
- Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning [USA](Latest 2010)
- Journal of Theory and Practice in Education [Turkey](Latest 2010)
- Journal of Turkish Science Education [Turkey](Latest 2009)
- Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice [Australia](Latest 2009)
- Journal of Youth Development: Bridging Research and Practice [USA](Latest 2006)
- Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy [USA](Latest 2010)
- Kentucky Journal of Excellence in College Teaching & Learning, The [USA](Latest 2010)
- Khimiya/Chemistry. Bulgarian Journal of Chemical Education, The [Bulgary](Latest 2010)
- KnowGenesis International Journal for Technical Communication [India](Latest 2010)
- Knowledge Tree, The : An ejournal of Flexible Learning in Vocational Education and Training [Australia](Latest 2009)
- La Mediazione Pedagogica [Italy](Latest 2002)
- Language and Literacy: A Canadian Educational E-Journal [Canda](Latest 2009)
- Language, Learning, and Technology [USA](Latest 2010)
- Learning and Teaching in Higher Education: Gulf Perspectives [United Arab Emirates](Latest 2010)
- Learning Communities: International Journal of Adult and Vocational Learning [Australia](Latest 2004)
- Literacy Teaching and Learning: An International Journal of Early Reading and Writing [USA](Latest 2009)
- Mathematics Educator, The [USA](Latest 2010)
- McGill Journal of Education / Revue des sciences de l’éducation de McGill [Canada](Latest 2009)
- Medical Computing Today’s Medical Education Archives [USA](Latest 2001)
- Medical Education Online: An Electronic Journal [USA](Latest 2010)
- Meridian: A Middle School Computer Technologies Journal [USA](Latest 2009)
- Montana Professor, The [USA](Latest 2005)
- MountainRise: An Electronic Journal dedicated to the scholarship of teaching and learning [USA](Latest 2009)
- Near and Middle Eastern Journal of Research in Education, The [Canada]
- Networks: An Online Journal for Teacher Research [USA](Latest 2009)
- New Horizons in Education [HongKong](Latest 2009)
- New Zealand Journal of Teachers’ Work, The [New Zealand](Latest 2009)
- Nonpartisan Education Review [USA](Latest 2010)
- Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration [USA](Latest 2010)
- Ontario Action Researcher, The [Canada](Latest 2009)
- Originally called Kairos: A Journal for Teachers of Writing in Webbed Environments
- Papeles de Trabajo sobre Cultura, Educación y Desarrollo Humano (Working Papers on Culture, Education and Human Development) [Mexico](Latest 2010)
- Paradigm: Journal of the Textbook Colloquim [UK](Latest 2007)
- Perspectives on Urban Education [USA](Latest 2009)
- Phenomenology & Practice [Canada] (Latest 2009)
- Philosophy of Education: Yearbook of the Philosophy of Education Society :Archives [USA](Latest 2003)
- Physical Review Special Topics – Physics Education Research [USA](Latest 2010)
- Plagiary [USA](Latest 2007)
- Planning for Higher Education [USA](Latest 2010)
- PNA es una revista de investigación en didáctica de la matemática [PNA, an open access electronic research journal in Mathematics Education] [Spain](Latest 2010)
- Post-Script [Australia](Latest 2010)
- Practical Assessment, Research and Evaluation [USA](Latest 2010)
- Práxis Educativa [Brazil](Latest 2010)
- Profesorado: Revista de Currículum y Formación del Profesorado [Spain](Latest 2009)
- Psicologica: Journal of Methodology and Experimental Psychology [Spain](Latest 2010)
- Qualitative Report, The [USA](Latest 2010)
- Radical Pedagogy [USA](Latest 2008)
- Reading Online: An Electronic Journal of the International Reading Association [USA](Latest 2010)
- Research and Issues in Music Education [USA](Latest 2009)
- Research in Middle Level Education Online [USA](Latest 2010)
- Revista Cubana de Educación Médica Superior [Cuba](Latest 2010)
- Revista da Faculdade de Educação [Brasil](Latest 2008)
- Revista de Investigacion en Didactica de la Matematica PNA [Spain](Latest 2010)
- Revista de la Educación Superior [Mexico](Latest 2009)
- Revista de Pedagogía [Venezuela](Latest 2010)
- Revista de Universidad y Sociedad del Conocimiento [Spain](Latest 2010)
- Revista Electrónica Actualidades Investigativas en Educación [Costa Rica](Latest 2009)
- Revista Electrónica de Investigación Educativa (REDIE) [Mexico](Latest 2009)
- Revista ELectrónica de Investigación y EValuación Educativa (RELIEVE) [Spain](Latest 2009)
- Revista Teoría Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales [Venezuela](Latest 2009)
- River Academic Journal [USA](Latest 2009)
- School Community Journal, The [USA](Latest 2009)
- Science Education International [International] (Latest 2009)
- Scientific Journals International [International](Latest 2009) [Note: Scientific Journals International includes the following titles: Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences, Journal of Education and Human Development.]
- Net: Media, Technology & Life-long Learning [Norway](Latest 2009)
- Social Studies Research and Practice [USA](Latest 2010)
- South African Journal of Information Management [South Africa](Latest 2009)
- Spreadsheets in Education [Australia](Latest 2010)
- Statistics Education Research Journal [New Zealand](Latest 2009)
- Studies in Learning, Evaluation, Innovation and Development [Australia](Latest 2009)
- Studies in Research: Evaluation, Impact and Training [Australia](Latest 2006)
- TCI: Transnational Curriculum Inquiry [Australia](Latest 2009)
- Teaching Educational Psychology [USA](Latest 2009)
- Teaching English as a Second Language [USA](Latest 2009)
- Teaching Exceptional Children Plus [USA](Latest 2010)
- TechKnowLogia: International Journal of Technologies for the Advancement of Knowledge and Learning :Archives [USA](Latest 2003)
- Technology Source, The :Archives [USA](Latest 2003)
- Texas Journal of Distance Learning, The [USA](Latest 2010)
- The ALAN Review (Assembly on Literature for Adolescents) [USA](Latest 2008)
- The College Quarterly: A Journal of Professional Development for College Educators [Canada](Latest 2009)
- THEN: Technology, Humanities, Education, and Narrative [USA](Latest 2009)
- Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education, The [Turkey](Latest 2010)
- Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, The [Turkey](Latest 2010)
- UltiBASE Journal, The (university learning and teaching in Business, Art, Society and Education) [Australia](Latest 2003)
- Voices from the Field:Archives [USA](Latest 2002)
- Workplace: A Journal for Academic Labor [USA](Latest 2010)