Below you have all sorts of journals offering their publications FREE to all.
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Here is the list :
- Asian Journal of Occupational Therapy
- Asian Journal of Pharmaceutics
- Australian Prescriber
- Bangladesh Journal of Pharmacology
- BMC Clinical Pharmacology
- BMC Pharmacology
- Chronicles of Young Scientists
- Clinical Medicine : Therapeutics
- Core Evidence
- Doping Journal
- Drug Design, Development and Therapy
- Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics
- Drug Target Insights
- Folia Pharmacologica Japonica
- Indian Journal of Pharmacology
- International Journal of Green Pharmacy
- International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Research (IJPBR)
- International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Development
- International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Drug Research
- International Journal of Pharmacology
- International Journal of Pharmacy and Technology
- International Journal of Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork
- Iranian Journal of Pharmacology and Therapeutics
- ISSN: 13473506
- Japanese Journal of Hyperthermic Oncology
- Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical Technology & Research
- Journal of Applied Research in Clinical and Experimental Therapeutics
- Journal of Autoimmune Diseases (JAD)
- Journal of Exercise Physiology – Online
- Journal of Global Drug Policy and Practice
- Journal of Innovative Trends in Pharmaceutical Sciences
- Journal of Pharmacological Sciences
- Journal of Physical Therapy Science
- Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development
- Journal of the Japanese Physical Therapy Association
- Malaysian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
- Marine Drugs
- Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology
- Molecular Medicine
- New Zealand Journal of Physiotherapy
- Open Drug Discovery Journal
- Open Drug Metabolism Journal
- Open Pharmacology Journal
- Open Rehabilitation Journal
- Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases
- Patient Preference and Adherence
- Perspectives in Medicinal Chemistry
- Pharmacological Reports
- Polish Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacy
- Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences
- Revista Brasileira de Fisioterapia
- The Internet Journal of Pharmacology
- The Japanese Journal of Pharmacology
- Thermal Medicine
- Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research